Search Engine Submission used to be seen as a way to promote a web site and to help it get indexed.Generally it is not necessary because the major indices like Google, Yahoo, and Bing (MSN) use crawlers, bots, and spiders that eventually find most web sites on the Internet.

The exception is when a new site under a new domain name is made LIVE. As inbound links have not yet been established, search engines have no way to automatically discover the new site fast.

When Bonza uploads a new website we do hand submit your URL or Sitemap to Google and Bing, to directories such as Yahoo and Open Directory and a selection of Local Directories.

A Caution: About local directories

You may read about or been approached by companies offering you to submit to hundreds of search engines. Somemay even email to say your website “is not in” or “is not well positioned in” all the search engines.

The first thing to realise is that there are no hundreds of search engines worthwhile to submit to. Everyone knows who dominates search, Google.

These companies use automatic submission software which may violate the search engines' terms of service, creating the potential for a site using such a service to be banned.

Quick Facts

  • Search Engine Submission does not help you rank in the top 10
  • Getting links from other sites to yours will improve your rankings
  • Not all links are good for your site
  • Creating unique content can improve conversions and popularity
  • No software will improve your rankings. Your website needs your effort.

There are several influences that impact on your search engine optimization and placement since Google implemented Google Caffeine (the latest update of their algorithm to index sites).

Here are the most important changes.

1. Website speed: Google now places more importance on how quickly a website loads. That means websites that load fast will be given prominence in search engine optimization and placement over slower and clunky sites.

2. Broken links: Links that go nowhere will count as a strike against a website's search engine optimization and placement efforts. It's already an accepted rule that any good website shouldn't have broken links. Now it's even more important for website owners to make sure that every link goes somewhere relevant.

3. Penalties for linking to bad neighbourhoods: Using link farms or any automatic multi-link gathering tool has always been regarded as spam. Caffeine places even more importance on staying away from link farms and other malicious online practices. Linking to spammers and obtaining incoming links from known spammers is not a good way to achieve the best search engine optimization and placement results.

4. Overall website quality: Google now considers the overall quality of your website which meanshaving just one or two key search engine optimization and placement ranking factors won't be enough. Prior to Caffeine some canny website owners have achieved good search engine results by ranking high because of a single SEO factor while ignoring other aspects.

What about Paid Search Engine Submission?

The antagonizing feature of paid search engine submission is its price, the promise, and that it is generally not worth it!

Myths about Search Engine Submission

There are two myths about search engine submission. The first says that suggestion a site to all known search engines will bring you precious traffic. The second says that search engine submission does not work at all. In fact, they both are fraught with the truth. The search engine spiders could find website anyway, but it will be crawled more deeply if you submit pages following definite search engine’s rules. Moreover, some regional search engines and all directories prefer that you submit your site and its pages instead of waiting for them to come to you.

You should remember that search engine submission does not guarantee your listing, and listing does not guarantee your ranking. However, once you get listed, things fall more into your control because you know the search engine knows about you and you can try to improve your rankings with the help of optimization, link popularity, and other features.

Why do search results change, sometimes my site is there and others days it’s not?

Fluctuation in search results is the result of differences in Google’s data centres. When you perform a Google search, your query is sent to a Google data centre in order to retrieve search results. There are many data centres, and many factors (such as geographic location and search traffic) determine where a query is sent. Because not all of their data centres are updated simultaneously, it's possible to see slightly different search results depending on which data centre handles your query.Update:This will change with the introduction of Google Caffeine.



If you have other websites linking to you then search engines will find you. It’s important you only allow links from authoritative sites, sites that are listed on the major search engines, and sites that are related to your industry and useful to your visitors.

By submitting your website to Internet directories, you can get inbound links from related web pages. Usually, the category pages on Internet directories are considered related web pages if your website fits in the selected category. Inbound links can increase the search engine rankings of a website if the links contain the right keywords and if the links come from related web pages. For that reason, links from Internet directories can have a very positive effect on the search engine rankings of your website.See Local Directories.

What about Paid Links?

Google and most other search engines use links to determine reputation. A site's ranking in Google search results is partly based on analysis of those sites that link to it. Link-based analysis is an extremely useful way of measuring a site's value. Both the quantity and, more importantly, the quality of links count towards this rating.

However, some SEOs and webmasters engage in the practice of buying and selling links that pass PageRank, disregarding the quality of the links, the sources, and the long-term impact it will have on their sites. Buying or selling links that pass PageRank is in violation of Google's webmaster guidelines and can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results.

Not all paid links violate Google’s guidelines. Buying and selling links is a normal part of the economy of the web when done for advertising purposes, and not for manipulation of search results. Links purchased for advertising should be designated as such and by redirecting the links to an intermediate page that is blocked from search engines with a robots.txt file.

Google works hard to prevent link exchanges and purchased links designed to manipulate search engine results.