When email is sent your email address, it goes to your web site host where it sits waiting for you to log in with an "email client" such as Outlook to collect your mail. It then downloads the mail to your computer.

If you're away from your computer, you can log directly into the host from any computer in the world and collect your mail from there.

You need four items of information:

Or, just come to this page via The Bonza Help Centre and this image takes you to the log in page:

When you click on the link above, this is what you'll see:

NOTE: You log in using your "USER" or "ACCOUNT" name @yourdomain.com (which may be different to what's at the left of the @ symbol in your email address).

Once you're connected to the host server, this is what you'll see:

In the image above, I've highlighted the check box to the left of the sender's name and the delete button at the top right.

If you go to Web Mail and see a number of obvious junk emails, put a tick beside them and click delete.

To read the contents of an email, click on the subject line.

Note, in the image below, you can compose and send emails, create an email address list and sign out of Web Mail

When you use Web Mail, you'll receive a mysterious email telling you not to delete it. It's okay to delete it, it's just a coded message alerting you that someone has looked into your Web Mail. In this case, it was you. So, there's no problem.

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